tuscaloosa > personals > missed connections


m4w - 22 - Craigslist m4w

Date: 2010-08-13, 11:59PM CST

Make no mistake, this is about you. This is about you, sitting there, reading this. This is about you, touching the keyboard, reading this. This is about artifice--this is about you knowing that this isn't about you. But make no mistake, this is about you. It has always been about you. It has always been about you reading this, even though you have never read this, even though you are reading this for the first time. This is about you typing, letter after letter. I can't remember the last time I saw you typing--I only see the product of the motion of fingers. The products, the thoughts that start as thoughts from the heart--no--though I wish they came from there, they are beautiful. They say beautiful things, about the occupying of space, about "if I", "if I were", "if you", "if you were". This is about you moving your hand from keyboard to mouse. This is about keeping tabs. This is about rotation. This is about you messaging me to ask if this is about you. This is about you typing. This is about you asking what was the deal with the last time we spoke. This is about you asking what was the deal with these missed connections--this invisibility. The others, they aren't real, you think. This one, this isn't real either, you think, though this one is about you. This one can't be about you, but it is about you. This is about you asking me if this is about you. This is about me telling you that it is not about you, although it is about you. This is about me not telling. This is about one person. This is about me, you think. This is a mistake--this is about you.
PostingID: 1928393849

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